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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: ej on 31 May 2012 05:27:28 PM

Title: Cascade Prompt Issue
Post by: ej on 31 May 2012 05:27:28 PM
I am using Cognos Report Studio 8.3 (Oracle 10g). 

I'm working with a Relational Model.  I have Parts, related to other tables by Part_Key, but the user knows the part by the Part_ID and the Part_Rvsn_ID.  Parts can either be Purchased or Manufactured and there is a Make/Buy flag to identify them.. 

I want a required prompt that first asks the user to decide if they want to see Purchased or Manufactured Parts.

Once they make this decision, I want the next prompt to be populated with a listing of Purchased or Manufactured Part ID's.  However, I want it to be OPTIONAL to select parts (if they don't select parts they should get all Purchased or all Manufactured.

I then want to be able to use the Part_Key of the selected parts (if chosen) to filter my report.  If they don't choose parts, then it should just be filtered on if the part is purchased or manufactured.

I'm having the worst time trying to figure out a way to get a filter out of the results of the second prompt.  I have added the Part_Key to that query, but  I'm not getting the selected parts, or, for that matter, just on or the other of the Purchased/Manufactured parts.  I still end up with all parts.

I have put both my prompts on the same page and am using the auto-submit on the first one.  The data field that I use in the prompts is the Make/Buy field. 

Is there any way to filter my results on a field that is in the query, but NOT in the prompt?  Is there another approach?  Thank you for any assistance.
Title: Re: Cascade Prompt Issue
Post by: bdbits on 01 Jun 2012 11:45:38 AM
If I follow you correctly, you will want to use the Cascade Source property on the child prompt. Point this to the parent selection and it will act as a filter on the query behind the child prompt.