I've successfully upgraded the content store from 8.4 to 10.1.1, but when testing of database connections in Cognos Administration I get:
1) OCI Connection using will fail
2) JDBC connection will fail with erro XQE-GEN-0002 An unexpected exception occurred: ocijdbc11 (Not found in java.library.path) when testing using either TNS Names Alias or Oracle Net Descriptor. When using the Service ID option the connection is succesulf.
Installation settings:
Gateway: IIS6
Content Store Database: Oracle 11g (connection to the Content Store works)
OS:AIX 6.1 (Running the dispatcher and content store)
Cognos version 10.1.1 64bit
Database: Oracle Client 11g (11.1) 64 bit
I've copied the ojdbc5.jar file to <cognos install dir>/webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/lib
Any help is appreciated.
Hi Pawel,
When using OCI driver type, 64bit JAVA needs to call 64bit Oracle libraries, so the env variable LIBPATH (AIX), or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Solaris) should include the Oracle 64bit lib path. However, to make a compatible connection work, the LIBPATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH should only include Oracle 32bit lib path, because Cognos only supports 32bit Oracle client (SQLNET).
Try this to solution to resolve the issue:
Under cognos_install/configuration, open file xqe.config.xml.
For AIX, search for os name="AIX". then add a new line:
<envvar name="LIBPATH" value="your LIBPATH including Oracle 64bit lib ath"/>
64bit JAVA will use this setup other then OS env variable. Now both Compatible connection and JDBC connection should work for you.