Is there a TM1 function that will return an element name based on an attribute.
I have data that contains an account code i.e. 9906
I have a rollup dimension that has an attribute called 'Included Accounts'. This included accounts attribute contains the account code, i.e. 9906.
What I want is to retien the element name i.e. 01001, based on a lookup in the dimension.
Does this make sense.
No, and for good reason, a value of a given attribute may be shared by many elements hence determining element from attribute value is a many to one relationship. You could easily write a generic TI function to produce a subset or other output list of elements sharing a given attribute value, or this could be done with a dynamic subset.
Only for an alias which is a one to one attribute with unique value for each element can you look up the element name from the alias name. In TI this can be done with DimensionElementPrincipalName and in rules or Excel by nesting DIMNM and DIMIX functions.