I am having one main report which will display the count of patients ,when clicking on the count it will drill through to a report which will explain the detailed information of the patient's.
Pblm: The count in the main report and the drill through is not matching
Main report is working fine.
I am having some 10 data items in the drill through Query item.In that 2 data items are automatically set the Min() function . I found this by taking a profiller query.
Data item property are set as follows :
Type:Data item
Name : Patient No
Expression:[Report Views ].[VIEW4].[Patient No]
Aggregate Function : None
Rollup Aggregate function : Automatic
Pre-sort : Don't sort
Detail : Automatic
Calculation Intersection :Show value
Solve order :
Following is the profiller query which will set the min() function automatically...
min("VIEW4"."Patient no") AS "C13",
min(case when NOT "VIEW4"."level3_name" is null then "VIEW4"."level3_name" when "VIEW4"."level3_name" is null and NOT "VIEW4"."level2_name" is null then "VIEW4"."level2_name" else "VIEW4"."level1_name" end ) AS "C14"
The Min() function and group by are set automaticaly in the Query generated...If i remove the group and min() function i get the exact data in the DB...
How to remove the the MIN() function in the report ?
Found a solution:
Autogroup & Summarise property is set to No in the properties pane of that Query item....
Now the MIN() is not displayed....
While setting this option to Yes ..it is automatically using any of the aggregate function...
Instead of passing all this data through the drillthrough, would it not be easier to start another report concerning the same set of patients - with details? It sounds like you are not passing through individual Id's