This is what I thought would be simple in an Active Report but so far I have been unsuccessful.
The data items I have in the source data are:
State Code (2 Char)
Count of Things in State (Integer)
The active report controls I am trying to use are:
Data Drop-Down List
Data Deck
I have the Data Drop-Down List populate with the state code and a default value of <All>. I use the result of Data Drop-Down List to Filter the Data Deck. Inside the Data Deck is the List which is filtered by state code of the Data Deck. I would like the List to show only the total of Count of Things in State. I don't want to have the state code listed next to the count values.
So if the data contained:
CA, 50
AZ, 25
TX, 25
At default the Drop-Down List would show <All> and the value in the list would show 100 on one row. Then if the user picks AZ, the value in the list would change to 25.
Trying different combinations of hooking the Active Report items together gets either now change in the data or at report default of <All> the items list individually on rows.
Are you using dimensional data?
If so, you can use descendants( <item/MUN>; # ;before)
and you will have the parent and the three children. Parent will be 100, and the children as you have pointed out - all in the same item