- The IBM Cognos Community

General Discussion => General Discussion & Gossip => Topic started by: CognosPaul on 21 May 2012 07:04:09 AM

Title: IOD 2012
Post by: CognosPaul on 21 May 2012 07:04:09 AM
Is anyone else planning on getting to the IOD this year?

The owner of my company finally agreed to send me, and the company is picking up all my expenses! (Such a nice guy... Freelancing rocks!)
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: Lynn on 21 May 2012 09:42:07 AM
I haven't decided yet, but I would like to go. It was there last year and found it very worthwhile. Great news they have seen the light!!

I saw a number of good sessions and they also had these drop in labs and other snippets of training you could attend. Sessions on some of the newer C10 features were especially helpful to me last year.

It pays to try and plan the sessions you'd like to see along with some second choice items for when you find yourself in a dud session.
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: MFGF on 11 Jun 2012 12:10:46 PM
Oh! Well, if you two are going, I definitely want to!! I doubt my employer will sanction it, though. I guess I will have to stump up the fee and flight costs if I want to go.

Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: IceTea on 14 Jul 2012 02:09:43 PM
At IOD2012 there is a Session which contains something about "We will
review the new Cognos Dynamic Cube ROLAP capabilities".

I never heard of something like "Cognos Dynamic Cube". So: What's this? Any rumors about that?
Title: IOD 2012
Post by: MFGF on 14 Jul 2012 04:16:04 PM
The clue can be found in one particular word in that description - the one that starts with "n" and ends with "w" :)

Assuming something like that was being considered by IBM, nobody in a  public forum would be able to comment before it was released. Hypothetically, of course :)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: Lynn on 16 Jul 2012 07:14:20 AM
Ah....a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma!

I'm sure Winston Churchill was referring to Cognos when he uttered that phrase. Or maybe it was about Russia. One of those things I'm sure :)
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: bi4u2 on 18 Jul 2012 10:33:40 AM
My boss and his partners are going, not me...the worker bees must work!
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: Lynn on 18 Jul 2012 10:58:56 AM
Quote from: bi4u2 on 18 Jul 2012 10:33:40 AM
My boss and his partners are going, not me...the worker bees must work!

I see that often among clients and it is very short sighted in my opinion. The manager types attend sessions geared to managers but there are tons of technical sessions and training labs geared for us worker bees.

Look at the cost of a training class or having an outside expert consultant at your disposal for four days. Either of those are more expensive than the cost of the conference and would be less varied in terms of available content that can be gleaned.

If one worker bee attends (who is reasonably diligent) he or she can pick and choose among a huge variety of topics and sessions to learn from. It's called professional development!!

If that one person brings back information to share with others on the team there can be an even larger return on that investment.

Just my humble opinion :)
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: bdbits on 18 Jul 2012 12:14:25 PM
I went to IOD last year, but my co-worker and I alternate so no IOD for me this year. :(

I am going to insist she find out about the "new Cognos Dynamic Cube ROLAP capabilities" - sounds very interesting!

I love technical conferences like this. I can get the equivalent of a multiple 3-5 day training classes in one week, and advanced topics that generally are not covered in training classes. While I am sure the manager-oriented sessions are useful to people at that level, I have to agree with Lynn that it is short-sighted on their part not to send at least one technical person. It is an excellent conference.
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: Lynn on 18 Jul 2012 12:18:00 PM
At least you alternate! That is a good approach.

I know someone who works for a company that is a very big IBM customer. IBM offered a FREE conference pass but her company would not pay the travel expense!! That takes short sighted to a whole different (lower) level.
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: charon on 18 Jul 2012 04:20:30 PM
i would love to, but i doubt my chef will carry the expenses...and he does well in doin so, considering the fact the iod is (as far as i remember) in vegas and i also have a very strong passion and - at the same time- very weak skillz in poker :D

but ask my chief. i wasnt at the iod 2011, but as BP of ibm we received all the materials/ presentations. some nice stuff ive to say :)

Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: Rahul Ganguli on 19 Jul 2012 06:11:46 AM
Looking Forward to make it three times a row.
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: MFGF on 19 Jul 2012 07:06:25 AM
There's an awful lot of very good content to absorb at IOD conferences. I would love to be able to go! My only chance is to try my luck in a competition, it seems. If by some miracle I manage to get there, we should organise to meet up for a Cognoise beer!

Etiquette dictates that moderators buy the first round :)

Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: charon on 23 Jul 2012 08:23:09 AM
Agreed!  ;D
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: Lynn on 29 Aug 2012 07:46:03 AM
I am booking the conference this week before the early bird special pricing expires. BSP (the firm that hosts this site) has a promo code that can be used to save a little more and get a couple of goodies:

Hope it is another worthwhile event this year!
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: MFGF on 29 Aug 2012 07:59:00 AM
If I manage to get there, I will be sure to buy you a beer!!
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: charon on 29 Aug 2012 05:17:39 PM
Buhuhuuu  i just received the boss and the chief head of sales of my company are goin, i have to stay at home  :'(
oh brutal world, how can i ever smile again  :'(
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: MFGF on 30 Aug 2012 04:23:07 PM
Send me a picture of your boss. If I manage to go, I will find him and ask nonchalantly why you are not there, then watch him squirm :)

Sorry you're not going! I know just what that frustration feels like.


Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: tjohnson3050 on 30 Aug 2012 08:33:00 PM
So Sad.

I was at Forum in '06 and IOD in '10 and '11, but can't make it this year :(

Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: charon on 31 Aug 2012 12:38:22 AM
Yoga, Sounds like a plan mgfg  8) however, i wish u a Great Time there..and im looking forward TO some Great presentations documents.
These were awesome from iod 2011  ;D
Enjoy the Trip guys...🗽
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: MFGF on 05 Oct 2012 07:42:46 AM
So... It looks like PaulM, Lynn, Rahul Ganguli and I are going to IOD this year. Will anyone else from this amazing forum be there? Am I only buying beer for three other Cognoise members??? :)

Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: Lynn on 05 Oct 2012 07:46:13 AM
I will have more than one beer to make up for any shortfall in attendees
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: MFGF on 05 Oct 2012 07:49:56 AM
:D :D :D  Deal! Just make sure you don't get klutzy. I know someone who knocks full glasses of beer all over his co-drinkers when he's had a few too many beers. It's a criminal offence to spill beer like that :)
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: Lynn on 05 Oct 2012 07:53:04 AM
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas....

.... unless you are Prince Harry
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: MFGF on 05 Oct 2012 07:57:45 AM
Fair enough! a dozen beers at least for you, then! :)

I have the right hair colour to be Prince Harry, as you can see from my picture above. I hope I don't get mistaken for him!! ;)
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: IceTea on 07 Oct 2012 02:39:02 PM
I'll be there too!
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: MFGF on 08 Oct 2012 03:01:06 AM
I have sent a meeting request to those currently registered on the IBM SmartSite (everyone apart from Rahul Ganguli). Feel free to suggest a different place/time if it's not convenient.

It's not too late for anyone else to step forward too :)


Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: DustPanMan on 09 Oct 2012 11:28:39 PM
Hey Guys!  Sorry I am late to this discussion.  I'd love to buy a round or two for the COGNOiSe crew.  Sounds like MFGF has the first round, so maybe I'll pick up round 2 and 3.  MFGF, do you mind adding me to the invite?  Which night and location are you thinking?


Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: Lynn on 10 Oct 2012 08:52:54 AM esteemed admin among the riff raff! The muppet will send an invite from the SmartSite I'm sure. We are meeting Sunday evening at the BrightStar Partners booth around 7 pm.

I will be on the lookout before then for an orange haired muppet and anyone sporting a flaming red mohawk  ;)
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: MFGF on 10 Oct 2012 10:37:31 AM
Quote from: DustPanMan on 09 Oct 2012 11:28:39 PM
Hey Guys!  Sorry I am late to this discussion.  I'd love to buy a round or two for the COGNOiSe crew.  Sounds like MFGF has the first round, so maybe I'll pick up round 2 and 3.  MFGF, do you mind adding me to the invite?  Which night and location are you thinking?



I searched for you on the SmartSite when I sent the meeting invite, but there was no sign - it looked like you hadn't registered. I will gladly go back in now and add you to the meeting :)  Are Andy and Neil around too? I could add them to the list?


Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: MFGF on 10 Oct 2012 10:38:40 AM
Quote from: Lynn on 10 Oct 2012 08:52:54 AM esteemed admin among the riff raff! The muppet will send an invite from the SmartSite I'm sure. We are meeting Sunday evening at the BrightStar Partners booth around 7 pm.

I will be on the lookout before then for an orange haired muppet and anyone sporting a flaming red mohawk  ;)

...and a man carrying a dustpan? :)
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: MFGF on 10 Oct 2012 10:52:53 AM
Quote from: DustPanMan on 09 Oct 2012 11:28:39 PM
Hey Guys!  Sorry I am late to this discussion.  I'd love to buy a round or two for the COGNOiSe crew.  Sounds like MFGF has the first round, so maybe I'll pick up round 2 and 3.  MFGF, do you mind adding me to the invite?  Which night and location are you thinking?



So... Looking on the SmartSite as of right now, I can see Neil, but not you or Andy. I guess either you haven't registered on the site yet, or else your preferences specify you can't be contacted?

The existing meeting request can't be modified, it seems, so I will need to send a new one. I will hold off doing that until I can see you on the site :)

But... as Lynn said, we're meeting at the BSP booth at 7:00pm on Sunday. It will be great to meet you all!!

Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: bdbits on 10 Oct 2012 01:29:25 PM
Dang... figures this is the year I don't get to go (we alternate between two of us).  :'(

Ah well, maybe it can happen again next year. I've done this before, met people at a conference I knew only on-line, and believe it or not it was a lot of fun with very interesting conversations. :-)
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: charon on 16 Oct 2012 11:04:15 AM
Dude, i BELIEVE you....  :'(
So sad...i hope my Boss will let me go next year. The good thing though, next year i might be experienced enough to talk with you guys and not only sit silent (because of no understanding of the tech) and drink..
well, i guess the drinkin will happen either way :)
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: MFGF on 16 Oct 2012 11:22:49 AM
Awwww. Sorry you two are not able to go - it would have been great to meet you both! Charon, I think you are more than tech enough to be capable of bewlidering a dim old muppet like me with technical wizardry. :)
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: cognostechie on 25 Oct 2012 12:45:37 AM
Sorry I am not attending, it would have been a good chance to see everyone in person ! Oh well, even if I can't meet you guys, atleast post pictures of how you all got drunk !
Title: Re: IOD 2012
Post by: cognostechie on 25 Oct 2012 12:48:44 AM
and make sure to follow the best practices for getting drunk  ;)