Dear All,
Is it possible to combine DB,Job and Web server into one server? How will the performance be affected, other risks ?
If it possible, then pls let me know the system requirement (processors, Harddisk capacity, RAM......etc.,)
Thanks in Advance
Best Regards
Hi honey,
You -could- set this up as described, but I wouldn't recommend it. However, it would really depend on how large the environment would be and your processing load for planning jobs. What I usually recommend is a stand alone DB and job server only because you usually want to isolate these pieces. The web aspect could be loaded on your administrative server.
So for your case, if possible, set this up the way you've described and test your performance. You can then setup a separate job, DB, and web server and compare.
Hi Honey
To add what eric has stated. By putting all components on one machine you will find that different processes are fighting for the same resources.
To consider, a Job Server thread will use 100% of the CPU for that thread. Example, You run a process that uses the job server. The Job Server shares the same machine as other pocesses. The Job Server is set to use all Threads. Other users will experience a slow down in their useage. In certain circumstances this can cause problems. This was an issue we found in 8.4.0 when we had Planning job service enabled (job Servers) servers and Planning Web service enabled (Users opening saving elists) on the same box.
I normally only do an all in one solution for a proof of concept, or demonstration.