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IBM Cognos Express => IBM Cognos Express => Topic started by: Lnorman on 17 May 2012 05:11:00 AM

Title: Newbie, Report Studio Query Layout
Post by: Lnorman on 17 May 2012 05:11:00 AM
I have a report with quite a few calculations entered, these are fine.  The trouble I have is that I have insert a query layout calculation when the report is run, this column does not appear

in the report I have

Net Sales, MatCost, LabCost - friom these tables I need to calculate the contribution which is
[Query1].[Net Sales]-[Query1].[Mat Cost]-[Query1].[Lab Cost]

Can anyone help me please !!!!!

Should of added that I have a query calculation on the netsales

if ( [Foundation Layer].[MBG160].[CINVTYPE] in ('C','M')) then (([Foundation Layer].[MBG160].[TOTGOODVAL]/[Foundation Layer].[MBG160].[CURRATE_DES])*-1)ELSE([Foundation Layer].[MBG160].[TOTGOODVAL]/[Foundation Layer].[MBG160].[CURRATE_DES])