I have a List report contains single dataitem called Country Name.It contains only 3 rows like,
If i click the India it should navigate to other Report1 Using drillthrough.
if i click US it should navigate to other Report2,
If i click the UK it should navigate to other Report3,
Please help me out
Thanks in Advance
It is strange that I refer the same video twice today.
What are you trying to do you can describe it as conditional drill through
Check the following video.
HI pricter,
i have solution for this,
1. first insert the data item which having 3coloms(India,uk,us). asign drill through to INDIA report.
2. unlock and insert same data item below in the same colom. asign drill through to UK report.
3. again insert the data tiem in the colom. asign drill through to US report.
4. take ROWNUM() from tool box and insert left to countries. and
so that u can see list like below.
rno countries
-------- ------------------
<rno> <country_name>
-------- -------------------
<rno> <country_name>
---------- -------------------
<rno> <country_name>
5. now take string variable with condition
when(rownum()=1) then 'a'
when(rownum()=1) then 'b'
when(rownum()=1) then 'c'
6. add values.
7. assign string value as render value to country dataitem.
a-> 1st row, this is navigated to INDIA report.
b-> 1st row, this is navigated to UK report.
c-> 1st row, this is navigated to US report.
Hi Shrikanth/Pricter,
Thanks for your reply :)
I got your Point.
But when i in the output i can able to see only i one data item
Thanks in Advance
Hi Shrikanth/Pricter,
Thanks for your reply :)
I got your Point.
But when i in the output i can able to see only i one data item
Thanks in Advance
Hi sram,
1. did u write below expression in string variable.?
when(Rownum()=1) then 'a'
when(Rownum()=2) then 'b'
when(Rownum()=3) then 'c'
2. did u assigned these values with UNLOCK the report.?
a->India. it is first dataitem.
b-> UK. it is 2nd data item.
c-> US, it is 3rd data item.
Note: Yesterday i did ur requirement with sample data.
Hi Sram,
Let me know, did u do that or not.?