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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Sheldon on 16 May 2012 10:23:51 AM

Title: Finding and Correcting an Object That Does Not Exist
Post by: Sheldon on 16 May 2012 10:23:51 AM
Expression parsing error
QE-DEF-0359 The query contains a reference to at least one object '[Program Participation].[Program Codes].[Program]' that does not exist.RSV-SRV-0042

Hi.  I have been trying to solve the above error without any success.  I started receiving it after we were given a new framework.  The old framework did reference [Program Participation].[Program Codes].[Program] but I've made all the changes to refer to the new name, have searched the SQL, the XML, etc. but cannot find any reference to the old name as the error suggests.  It's a fairly small report so it's pretty easy to also search manually which I did.  Is this a bug in Cognos?  Do  I have to rebuild the report from the beginning?  One thing I also need to point out is that
[Program Participation].[Program Codes].[Program] is part of a clickable, drill-through on the report which does reference a drill-through report and the error only occurs when clicking on the drill-through field.  But I have made the appropriate corrections on the drill-through report as well.  I have spent a number of hours trying to resolve this and would appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks, Sheldon
Title: Re: Finding and Correcting an Object That Does Not Exist
Post by: Lynn on 16 May 2012 12:50:28 PM
Shot in the dark.....could caching be the culprit? Log out and close all your browsers and then re-test.

Failing that, can you run the drill through by itself successfully? Did you modify the drill through definition in the source report? If so, then maybe just delete the drill through definition in the source report and re-create it. Might be easier than re-building the entire thing since it seems you've isolated that portion.
Title: Re: Finding and Correcting an Object That Does Not Exist
Post by: pricter on 16 May 2012 03:09:43 PM
In addition to Lynn , I would copy the report in clipboard and then paste it to a notepad.

Then I would search for the data item in report specification where is being used.
Title: Re: Finding and Correcting an Object That Does Not Exist
Post by: Sheldon on 17 May 2012 02:36:23 PM
Thank you Lynn and pricter.  I have rebooted my computer since encoutering this problem.  I can run the drill through report successfully.  The drill through definition in the source report looks correct and did not need to be changed but I rebuilt it anyway and still get the same error.  I've copied each report (source and target) to an editor and searched for but did not find the object that no longer exists (but Cognos thinks still does). 

Thanks, Sheldon
Title: Re: Finding and Correcting an Object That Does Not Exist
Post by: Lynn on 17 May 2012 02:53:00 PM
I'm out of ideas for you. Does the error still only happen when you attempt drill through to the target report? Can you run the target report directly without running it via the drill through? Did you check for variables and conditional styles that perhaps reference the old field name? I would think an XML search would flush those out, but maybe worth checking directly if you haven't already.

Although this is too late to solve your problem currently, I thought it would be worth pointing out this best practice on creating durable framework models. This technique allows the modeler to change query item names without impacting existing reports.
Title: Re: Finding and Correcting an Object That Does Not Exist
Post by: bi4u2 on 18 May 2012 07:58:19 AM
Sheldon, I have had success with this error by re-publishing the package from Framework Manager.
Title: Re: Finding and Correcting an Object That Does Not Exist
Post by: Sheldon on 18 May 2012 01:56:36 PM
Lynn, you are correct.  This error only occurs when I attempt to drill through to the target report and I can run the target report directly without an error otherwise.  I checked *everything* in both reports for references to the old name and still think it's a bug of some kind with Cognos because the name that it's trying to reference (and erroring on) was a name used before the framework was updated and the name of that field changed because it was originally named incorrectly.  I/we here at my job site have nothing to do with updating the framework.  It is updated by another company who are not really reachable.  But I will look at the link you provided - thanks.

b14u2 - Thanks for the suggestion.  I will consider republishing the package.

Title: Re: Finding and Correcting an Object That Does Not Exist
Post by: Sheldon on 07 Jun 2012 10:10:11 AM
Problem solved!!  Someone I work with took a look and found that this report had a drill-through that I thought I had corrected but actually hadn't.  Reason being that we had two folders with the same drill-throughs; I mistakenly corrected the one which was not being pointed to since I didn't know about the other (correct) drill-through.  Copied the corrected drill-through to the right location and now everything works fine.  The one thing that made this hard to find was that to look at the drill-throughs for the subtotal and total fields, I had to click on the unlock icon first.  Thanks for all the suggestions!
