Can you please help me any body.
how to find UNC path cognos planning 8.4.1
To find out what path your environment is using for the filesys.ini, you can go into both analyst and the CAC:
1. Analyst > Tools > Options
2. CAC > Tools > Update filesys.ini options
If you're trying to find where your filesys.ini is on a server that has been shared for the purposes of using a UNC path in Planning, you will likely want to refer to your configuration documentation or do a search on all of your EP machines for the filesys.ini.
Mapped drives rather than UNC paths referenced in the filesys.ini
Resolving the problem1. Verify where the filesys.ini is located by opening Tools - Update FileSys.Ini Options in the Contributor Administration Console.
2. Backup the filesys.ini file.
3. Open the filesys.ini file with Notepad and update the file to include UNC paths and not mapped drives.
4. Save.
What's the difference between Mapped drive and UNC.
Can you please let me explain the above mentioned steps. Where and how could i follow.
A mapped drive is configured using a drive letter, whereas a UNC path is defined using a server name.
Mapped drive: Z:\analyst_share\bin\
UNC: \\epServer01\analyst_share\bin\
If you're looking to reconfigure your filesys.ini:
1. Make sure you share the folder that your filesys.ini is current in.
2. Open the filesys.ini and you will want to modify the top entries from their default of C:\... to the UNC path of \\<server_name>\<share>\
*Note: Replace <server_name> with the name of the server the filesys.ini is on, and replace <share> with the share you created in step 1.