I am using a repeater to repeat billing statements for a report. I want the report to output 4 billing statements per page. I can set the repeater to 4 rows, but my issue is that when the billing statements have too many products, it can't fit 4 on one page, and carries over the 4th billing statement to the next page. If the 4th billing statement can't fit on the page, I need it to print on the next page, and have just 3 billing statements on the previous page.
The page set is there to group the billing statements by customer.
Any suggestions?
What about shrinking the contents to fit to one page? That way you could have 4 statements on one page, just slightly smaller? You could select the repeater table/list and go to the Pagination property - uncheck the item that says 'Allow contents to break across pages'.
When each billing statement has 1-2 products, it prints out 4 per page fine. On the billing statement, there is a repeater table (2 x ..) for products:
Product Qty Price | Product Qty Price
ABC 1 1.00 DEF 1 2.00
GHI 3 3.00
So when there is 5+ products on the billing statement, the size of each billing statement is larger and causes it to require two pages for the 4 statements...
The pagination property only has one option:
'Repeat every page' checkbox