Does any one have any ideas or (blue prints) that would help me solve the following:
We want to have one place where we budget Consolidated PL, then the line items from that PL (such as divisional budget) need to be pushed down (allocated based on the history) to the cost centers.
So then the cost center managers can look into their cost centers and see what we want them to budget.
As far as I got it.
You can make 2 separate Contributor Apps:
1 Consolidated P&L (elist -- 1 item). You can also make this in Analyst, but its "a developer tool, not an end-user one"
2 Cost Center P&L (elist -- all cost centers)
So after inputing Consolidated P&L, you can run administration link to transfer data from 1 to 2.
If you need to somehow change data before pushing, you can create a middle application to do the job (multiply the Consolidated P&L accounts by some assumptions, for ex) and link them 3, as 1-mid-3.
One solution I came up with (which is not perfect) is that I have one cube PL and
then few more representing divisions. In the division cubes my rows are cost centers (not elist items) but just plain dlist.
From that app I am able to send assigned amounts per cost center to another app that is Bottom Up PL
where I am using cost centers as elist items.
The problem with that is I can not have Get Data between those two apps since one uses cost centers as elist
items and the other does not.
Why can't you use administration links between those applications? (they work in such cases).
I can not use admin links between the applications in Get Data because it requires the Elist items to be linked
to each other One to One, ( in the PL app I only have one elist item, and the cost centers are only dlist items)
but just running the normal admin liks is doable.
I kind of like your idea where you propose having three apps, one for top PL, one for Divisional allocations,
and the third one a cost center allocation. But maintenance is going to be multiplied :-(
Maybe I am not understanding the situation but why don't you just add totals to your consolidate P&L cube that sum different lines that way you adjust the total and it breaks back on the rollup. You will have to get reviewer edit rights to enter at the total. There's no difference if you do it in Analyst, the only difference is your cells that are a target of a linked cell wiill be grayed out but the subtotal of 2 gray cells will allow you to adjust it.
Quote from: Smajil on 15 Feb 2007 04:29:47 PM
I can not use admin links between the applications in Get Data because it requires the Elist items to be linked
to each other One to One, ( in the PL app I only have one elist item, and the cost centers are only dlist items)
but just running the normal admin liks is doable.
Admin links != System Links.
Admin Links can have various elist allocations. They are created in Administration Links Pane\Manage in Contributor Administration Panel.
I agree Admin Links=System Links except that System Links require the elist items to be connected to elist items and not to any other dlist item. And when you think about it it makes sense, because you create System Links so that people can go into individual elist node and execute the system link (get data) for that elist item on their own.
On the other hand in the Admin Links you can connect elist to a dlist and it will still work.
System links are created with in the application.