We just recently upgraded to Cognos 10.1 and had a few issues that have been resolved but I still have 1 issue that I can't figure out. When some logins in to Cognos 10 and get a ticket from series 7, they are unable to load power play 7 cubes if the ticket number has an @ or ? in the number. I'm not sure how the ticket numbers are generated but if it is just a string of numbers and letters, the cubes opens with no problem. Posted below is a log of the ticket server with the user and IP blanked out. This worked fine when we were running Cognos 8.4. Does anyone have any suggestions at what to look at next or how the ticket number is assigned?
[Mon May 14 14:31:07 2012] FromIP:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX(Cognos 10 gateway) Ticket:1337020267kYffXi2dHsy3w?kZQ36y Action:Logon Namespace:default User: XXXX XXXX Status:Success
[Mon May 14 14:31:07 2012] FromIP:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX(Cognos 10 gateway) Ticket:1337020267kYffXi2dHsy3w?kZQ36y Action:Access Namespace:default User: XXXX XXXX Status:Success
[Mon May 14 14:32:17 2012] FromIP:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX(PP7 server) Ticket:"1337020267kYffXi2dHsy3w?kZQ36y" Action:Access Status:Failure
[Mon May 14 14:32:17 2012] FromIP:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX(PP7 server) Ticket:"1337020267kYffXi2dHsy3w?kZQ36y" Action:Access Status:Failure
[Mon May 14 14:32:17 2012] FromIP:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX(PP7 server) Ticket:"1337020267kYffXi2dHsy3w?kZQ36y" Action:Access Status:Failure
[Mon May 14 14:32:17 2012] FromIP:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX(PP7 server) Ticket:"1337020267kYffXi2dHsy3w?kZQ36y" Action:Access Status:Failure