we have a customized login page in Cognos 10. We used the How To from IBM Handbook.
For the login-box we used the variables from cognos.
<param name="custom-auth">
<logon enabled="true">
Note 1: Template filename extension is expected to be .xhtml
Note 2: Template is relative to ../webcontent/ps/login
<base-template-name>mmslogin</base-template-name> <!-- e.g.: my_customtemplate_1 -->
mmslogin.xhtml (customized loginpage)
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/cognos10/ps/login/mmslogin.css"/>
<div id="loginBoxWithShadow" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<div id="loginBox">
<div id="loginBoxInner">
<div id="%CL_HEADER%"></div>
<div id="%CL_PROMPT%"></div>
<div id="%CL_FOOTER%"></div>
<div class="loginShadowTop"><div class="loginShadowInner"></div></div>
<div class="loginShadowMiddle"><div class="loginShadowInner"></div></div>
<div class="loginShadowBottom"><div class="loginShadowInner"></div></div>
Here my problem: Authentication works by clicking OK with mouse, but press the "enter" key on keyboard does not work. Using IE 8 & 9.
We didn't change any code.
Some ideas??
thanks :)