Hi all,
We're bursting HTML-Versions. This saved output versions will be accessed via Report-URL.
Issue: The bursted HTML-Output includes the Cognos Viewer Toolbars (2 Rows, one with your Accountname the Home-Icon and so on... another with the Report options like "run in different format", "watch new versions" and so on.
We want to get rid of this two toolbars. The saved HTML-Output should be a clearly white page with our report elements (crosstabs, text and so on.)
In Online-Reports we achieve this goal with a small html-style-script (<style> .mainHeader1{ display: none; } .mainViewerHeader3{ display: none; } </style>) and it works. But it seems it doesn't work within bursting or showing bursted saved outputs.
How can I get rid of this annoying Cognos Toolbars? :(
Thanks in advance! ;)