Hi gurus
I'm facing a problem. My Cognos8 reportnet works pretty fine with its content store. I've created a metric store in same database (Oracle 9i).
In Cognos configuration, I can relate content store but I can not find any option, where i can connect my metric store to cognos.
Can anybody please tell me the process to connect metric store (a database created only)Ã, to cognos?
Thanks in advance,
If you haven't defined a metric store and you click on Metric Studio you will be prompted to define one...
In Cognos 8, you do not define the connection to your Metric Store inside of Cognos Configuration. As ReportNet Addict states, if you have not created a Metric Store you will be prompted to create one.
The prompt will show when you click on the Metric Studio link in Cognos Connection. You will first be required to create a connection to an database that will function as your Metric Store. It sounds as though you have already created the physical database. Now all you will have to do is provide the connection parameters, which will give you the raw connection. Once you have established the connection, you will asked to define the Business Calendar. After defining the Business Calendar, click on the Finish button. This is the point in which the Metric Studio specific database tables are created. Basically, this is the equivalent of initializing the Metric Store in the previous versions of Metric Manager. It is a little different from the previous version, but once you get used to it, much easier to use.
Does this answer your question?
Good luck!
I hope that is not too late. I read in the cognos documentations tath the metric store and the content store that live in the same database. Maybe this is not your problem.
sorry for my english