I have faced with macro. Since it is running from two days onwards. If i tried to run any admin link it goes to Queued status. Macro First step wait for any Job it got succee but it's keep on running in second step. Second step is executing admin link. But i checked in Monitor links in CAC all admin links are Queued status only.
Can you please help me on this.
If I understand your problem correctly, you have a macro that has been running for two days. Also, if you try to run any admin links they all get queued.
If this is accurate you really only have a couple of options:
1. Reboot the servers in the environment, although I'm fairly certain this won't help.
2. Delete the macro step that is hung, and / or delete the macro that called that step.
The problem right now is that the system is stuck on that running step. If you try to run anything else it will just get queued up. You need to remove the step that's hung and then likely the system will become responsive again. At that point, you can try re-running your processes.
Good luck
Was the Planning Store added to the job cluster?
Yes Planning store added.
Issue got fixed. Job Servers were rebooted. Finlly it got fixed.
Thanks for your help.