I have installed Cognos BI Server. I have done the configuration following the url http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/cognos/infrastructure/web_servers/page599.html?ca=drs-. I have used ISAPI gateway. After the configuration, when i did the testing the servlet url was returning me the correct page. When i tried to hit the dispatch (http://localhost:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch), it is giving me the message, " The user is already authenticated in all available namespaces. ". When i tried to hit the url http://localhost/ibmcognos, i am getting the same page as above. I am trying this for the past two days without any luck. Can anybody suggest me a solution for the above said issue?
Thanks in Advance,
What is configured in Cognos Configuration? If you are using localhost make sure you use on of the following:
Fully qualified server name
Thanks for your reply. I have replaced localhost with the servername already. I am having the issue still.
Hi Vishy,
there's a couple of things I can suggest you could investigate.
(1) in Cognos configuration, under the Local Configration > Security > Authentication node what's the "Inactivity timeout in seconds" value? If 0 then this means users will not be timed out. You could try setting this to a value of 600 for a 10 minute timeout, then wait and test in 11 minutes.
(2) Is the IBM Cognos service on the host running under a Local system account, domain service account, or your account (I'm assuming it's MSAD)? Best to use a domain service account (not a user account) if it's possible.
Thanks for the reply. I have tried both the options you have mentioned. I am still getting the same page when trying to hit the url http://<<servername>>/ibmcognos and also when hitting http://<<servername:9300>>/p2pd/servlet/dispatch.
Another thing you could check - "Allow Anonymous access" should be set to false in the Security > Authentication > [Namespace] properties.
Also - If you are running IIS then check Web Service Extensions, and try allowing unknown CGI extensions and unknown ISAPI extensions, as well as Active Server Pages, and ASP.NET v1 & 2 (if not already done).
Hope that helps.