I have a situation, I have to upgrade a package and its reports from 1.1 to 10.1(which is 1.1-8.3 and 8.3-10.1)... but i dont have the cpf file for the package in 1.1. I tried recovering the package through content store(http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=0&uid=swg21344664) and my question is..I dont have a framework manager 1.1 version on my system. Can i generate a cpf file from the link mentioned above using version 8.3 Framework manager. I am confused on what to do...Let me know if you dint get my question..Any help will be greatly appreciated.. Thank you!!
If you don't have a copy of the ReportNet 1.1 Framework Manager installed, your best bet is just to create a deployment export of the package and reports (Tools>Content Administration) in ReportNet, then import this into Cognos 8.3 (Launch>Cognos Administration). You can request the package and reports should upgrade to v8 XML specs as part of the import process. Once they are in and working in Cognos 8, you can try the option to build a cpf from your package, and you should be able to open this in FM 8.