I have a new project that needs to migrate from BO to Cognos 8.4.
There are 30 crystal reports.
How long will it take time for only one person from requirement gathering, analysis to QA, Golive?
That would very much depend on the complexity of the reports. Expect to spend generous time in rebuilding the metadata layer in Framework manager as a basis for the reports. I have no experience with Crystal Reports, but I suspect that migrating will - in this case - mean a full rebuild..
Hi blom0344,
Thanks for your reply.
The crystal reports has a multiple layer of drill through reports.
I have to create a FM from scratch.
Is there going to be any issues I should be aware of while creating a metadata model?
I would really stress the importance of reading up on best practices for creating a FM model. Cognos metadata modelling is a tad more sophisticated then building BO universes..
Hi shivani_cog,
I am also in a very similar situation as you are, did you find what you were looking for.
Any help regarding migrating BO reports to IBM Cognos will be of great help to me.
There is no direct migration route as mentioned before. Theoretically you could take a universe (model) and try to create a framework (as suggested by the Cognos metadata import) , but there is no migration path for reports. The entire Cognos metadata is build around a proprietary xml definition that is also tuned to the specific version
When you click on Namespace .-> rightclick ->Run metadata wizard
From the list, Select Third party Metadata sources and click next.
It will give you the options of importing from BO designer different versions.
You can try it out.
As mentioned in my earlier posts: There is no migration path for reports :(
From a modelling perspective: BO Universe designer is comparable with a Cognos datalayer. So, even if you manage to import a BO Universe design , then the 'real' modelling has yet to be done