My requirement is
If current date is 30th of April.
Report should run for 28th April automatically without displaying the Date and time prompt page.
1)I tried the javascript work around, but they don't seem to work for anything beyond cognos8.3
2)Setting the prompt filter as optional generates report for current date and not current_date-2.
Moreover I do not want to make prompts optional as it is an interactive report.
3)Since the report is part of the dashboard;
user should have the option to change the date; therefore i cannot put the value(current_date -2) directly in filter.
Instead i am using a dynamic date prompt(Prompt in the report page instead of prompt page)
For the time being i am setting the value of prompts manually in the cognos connection so that the report runs without prompting the user.
But would like a better solution.
Any advice on how to handle the above mentioned scenario would be helpful.