I posted this in the Cognos 10 section but posting it here in case there are users out there who don't look in the 10 forum.
I need to build a crosstab report and cannot seem to find anything similar to my situation.
Rows Row Qtys Addl measure
Confirmed Confirmed $
Shipped Shipped $
Received Received $
Is there a way to define the "Addl measure" for each row? I am working on trying a calculated column with an "If" statement but running into validation errors with that.
Iif ([Confirmed Qty]>0 then [Query1].[Confirmed $] else if [Query1].[Shipped Qty]>0 then [Query1].[Shipped $], else if [Received Qty]>0 the [Query1].[Received $])
Would appreciate any point in the right direction, thanks!
I notice some parentheses are missing...
Does this work?:
if ([Confirmed Qty]>0) then ([Query1].[Confirmed $]) else if ([Query1].[Shipped Qty]>0) then ([Query1].[Shipped $]) else if ([Received Qty]>0) then ([Query1].[Received $])
I also spotted a spurious comma in the middle of the expression you posted, plus a missing 'n' from 'then', plus your expression used iif not if. Not sure whether these were just typing errors on the forum or whether your expression contained them too?
Thanks MFGF, I will give it a try!