I have a crosstab in what i use a total(currentMeasure within detail [myDim]) for show the rows subtotal and rows total.
Rows total is same function and is already working. But the subtotal ones, not. This are showing total on the crosstab of the next column, and on the first column show the total of the last column.
Then, I tried changing solve order, and same happened. How I can work around this issue?
I am using Report Studio 8.4.
Will show like this :
ColTitle1 ** ColTitle2 --- RowTitle1 - RowTitle2 -- Total
* ** ColDes1 --- 5 - 10 -- 15
* DesC1 ** ColDes2 --- 3 - 20 -- 23
* ** SubTotal -- 38 - 8 -- 30
* DesC2 ** ColDes1-- 2 - 1 -- 3
* ** ColDes2-- 5 - 7 -- 12
* ** SubTotal-- 15 - 7 -- 7
* Summary ** 15 - 38 -- 53
Watch Subtotals rows, resultset is ran one position to the right!
Please help!