AD single sign on does not work only for one user.
I have verified his permissions in Cognos Administration>Security tab>Active Directory users.
he has the exactly same permissions what ever others have.
I wonder why it's not working for him, it was working before and it's stopped two days back.
If he click on the cognos link it's asking for username/password.
Even if he entered his ID/password it's not taking.
His Development access(another server) is working fine but production is not.
I am not a real admin,i am taking care of things as our Admin is any more with company. please some body help me on this.
This is likely not the case, but can you check to make sure the URL he's using for PROD is correct? It could be that he's gone to an old link or something that might not be working, particularly since it's working in DEV.
It could be that he needs to have his profile recreated, but I can't speak to that since most of our users are just on the Planning side and not on the BI-side. I believe there are some ramifications with blowing away the user's profile and recreating it that would cause his "my folders" to be lost, etc. I believe I just saw something about this on this user group forum, so you might search for user profile or something.
Thanks Jeff.
I have re created his profile, but no use.
He is using right link and right browsers as others do.
Is there any other suggestions you have that i can try?
What's changed in his system? The prompt for username and password - is it within the Cognos Connection portal/web page or is it a Windows prompt asking for network credentials? It could be that the URL has not been added to the trusted sites in IE (maybe a new computer or new install of IE that caused it).
To expand on what jeffowentn said, if it is the browser prompting then that is controlled by browser settings. I am going to dare assume Internet Explorer is being used. In that case, the prompt is controlled by IE security policies. Go to Internet Options on the Security tab. Select the security zone for this web site (assuming there is a standard for it since other users are not prompted) and click "Custom level...". Scroll to the bottom of the list to User Authentication > Logon. Choose "Automatic logon with current user name and password" and OK your way out and close the browser, then give it another try.
If you are using Firefox, post back and I can offer you instructions for that.