We are in need to buy licenses for our setup. Could anyone tell me on the type of licenses that are there for cognos. I need access to all studios, FM, Transformer, TM1, SDK, Mobile, Office
You need to engage with your IBM account manager to discuss the best options for you. There are two license models used - named user licensing, and PVU (server based) licensing. Depending on the spec of your server(s) and the numbers and types of user roles you need to support, it may be more cost effective to go for one or the other.
I wanted to understand the different options/types are there minus the costs . Would it be possible to share some information. Right now pretty clueless
Quote from: dssd on 02 Apr 2012 09:22:36 AM
I wanted to understand the different options/types are there minus the costs . Would it be possible to share some information. Right now pretty clueless
Most of what you need is in the attached doc...
As a quick update to that (since November last year) the Advanced Business Author role now also gives rights to use Cognos Insight (the new desktop offering launched last month).
Quote from: Suraj Neupane on 02 Apr 2012 11:30:55 AM
Most of what you need is in the attached doc...
Its surprising that BI professional role dosesnt give license for FM.....Also would TM1 then we totally different
FM now uses admin (stripped down version) license.
TM1 is completely separate.
Do you have any rough estimates for licensing costs. Its fine if its a bit off
Pricing depend upon company's history with IBM, number of bundled licenses, number of different products and type of company. Govt. companies get additional discounts.
Best is to talk to your IBM rep.
There is no point in getting rough estimate as it is not same with 2 companies.
Few examples...
Admin license runs around $12k.
RS around $3k.
Adv B author around $4k.
I am assuming this is per year rather than one time pay. Any idea how for TM1 license? I am trying to set up a call with IBM rep
You will pay a one off cost for each license and then an annual percentage of your license cost to cover support/upgrades etc. This is flexible, although as a guideline expect a figure in the region of 25% of your total license.
In terms of the license cost I agree with Suraj in that no 2 companies are likely to have the same deal only the IBM base cost will remain the same, although that is commercially sensitive information so unlikely to get that from this public forum and hence the need to speak to IBM/IBM Partner to work out your figures.
Quote from: dssd on 03 Apr 2012 12:39:13 PM
I am assuming this is per year rather than one time pay. Any idea how for TM1 license? I am trying to set up a call with IBM rep
As Rob mentioned above, the cost is one time purchase price at the time of purchase (price can go up following year during renewal). Then you have to pay annual support/maintenance cost which is around 25% but that also differs depending upon what deal you can get from IBM.
Hi Dssd,
As a bit of advice it is worth not restricting yourself to just IBM to get a costing. Have a look at the IBM Business Partners in your area. (Link below)
Specifically you are looking for Partners who sell Cognos and who are Premier level as this enables them to sell the licenses and also do your annual renewal. They have a degree of discretion on the cost and renewal % so you may well get it cheaper with a partner and either way always good to get a bit of leverage when negotiating a deal.
In addition if a partner is at Premier level they will handle your 1st line support for you (they must have a helpdesk) and if necessary the 2nd and 3rd line escalations within IBM. They will maintain at least 2 members of staff certificated in any Cognos product they sell you and generally they will gain an indepth knowledge of your company and Cognos setup. Worth taking a look.
Lastly and most strangely of course the best deals seem to be able to be negotiated around quarter and especially year end. Sales folk and targets are strange so may be worthwhile seeing when the IBM year end and quarter ends are as they may start getting excited about your signature. The same behaviour also seems to afflict IBM Partners about the same time I've noticed.
Unless your someone like Boeing of course then as long as the day ends in a Y your are good all year round :D
IBM's financial year runs from 1st January to 31st December. Signing on the dotted line at one minute to midnight on New Year's Eve seems a little extreme to get the best deal (in my humble and senile opinion) :)
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Quote from: MFGF on 04 Apr 2012 04:28:03 PM
IBM's financial year runs from 1st January to 31st December. Signing on the dotted line at one minute to midnight on New Year's Eve seems a little extreme to get the best deal (in my humble and senile opinion) :)
Haha... if it saves money why not stay awake all night. ;) I don't think IBM reps will work on new year's eve.
Anyways, another thing I want to mention is the renewal date.
If you have multiple IBM products and renewal dates are scattered all over the year, it's a mess to keep up with the invoices and dates. It's better to true up and just have one date for all. That makes life easy.