I created a crosstab with tooltips. This tooltip shows information from a query. However when hovering over a node the sum of the rowvalues (or columnvalues) popup. Of course I want the values belonging to that node.
Did I forget something ??
The information you want to display in the tooltip is in the same query with the one of the crosstab?
Could you attach the report spec?
The values are indeed in the same query. They are the specification of the displayed value in the crosstab.
I'll try to make a readable spec
Herewith the report spec.
I uploaded the report specification and I saw the problem
The following article describes how to place custom tooltip in a chart
I believe with some modifications you can achieve the above in croostab also
Unfortunately I don't have enough knowledge of java to modify this script. Besides that, isn't there a great difference between a chart and a crosstab ?
When there is no difference :
Should I change something in :
areas = document.getElementsByTagName('area');
and what will the classname have to be in : if(areas.className='dl chart_area')
your help is much appreciated :)