Hey guys, I have a problem in DM, I cannot create a package since there are not available components in the create package window, the only thing we made is import a package of Cognos 8 to our Cognos 10 Data Manager, there weren't errors, I'm not quite sure what's happening here, any ideas?
Please see image attached.
Best Regards.
It looks to me like you have an empty catalog! Do you have anything visible in the normal catalog tree on the left before you select the option to create a package? If you do a catalog backup (to a text file), do you see any structures defined in the resultant file?
Hey there MFGF, thanks for your reply.
Yes, I have Builds and Job streams in the left tree and these are working fine, I can execute Builds, create, edit, etc., however when i do a backup catalog i get a "DM-CAT-0303 A File Format Error in....
And a "DM-CAT-0316 Reverting to saved catalog" Error.
Any ideas guys?
Yikes! It sounds like you have a corrupted catalog!!
Do you still have a copy of the catalog from Data Manager 8 and a working Data Manager 8 install? If so, you should open the original catalog in DM8, do a catalog backup, create a new database to host a new DM10 catalog, launch DM10 and create a new catalog in the database, then restore the backup from DM8 into it.
Yes I do, however I do not have a backup of DM10 catalog which it does not only include the DM8 builds, I had other stuff too =(....
Is there any way I can go through the DM Data Base and insert or modify records in order to make it work?
I wouldn't know where to start. You could try, but I imagine you would run the risk of corrupting things even more.
I guess your "last chance saloon" is the command line. You could try using CATLIST and CATEXP to list and export the content you have added since the upgrade from DM8 to files (if it works), then use CATIMP to import these into the new DM10 catalog after you restore the DM8 backup. CATEXP is quite messy though - you have to get the syntax and names exactly right.
Edit: These are documented here:
Look at Chapter 31 for details.
Thanks a lot MF, I will go through the DM DB and see if I can fix it!