Hi guys
I've been using Transformer 10.1.1 for the first time in a long while. When I make a change to a cube and run it through and then realise the change hasn't quite worked I have to wait for arund 20 minutes for the cube to unlock before I can run it again. Anyone know how I can stop transformer from doing this or to at least reduce the amount of time it's locked?
(I know I should plan the cube more carefully so I don't have to do this but I'm very rusty lol)
Thanks for any help
The best thing to do is use the inbuilt deployment facility. In Transformer have a look at the deployment tab in your Powercubes properties. In essence you will build to one location and then, on completion of the build, this will be transferred to a deployment location.
Your reporting/analysis tools should be pointed at the cube in the deployment location as this maintains a versioning and therefore allows you to rebuild a cube without the locking issues.
Thanks Rob I'll give it a try :)