Hello all
I have a simple report requirement of two columns,
Col 1 is Total Revenue
Col 2 is Total Revenue - Revenue of current month
I've created a calculation of the year and period of sales transaction - ie for Feb 2012 this returns 201202 (I've called this Transaction Period)
I've created a calculation of the current year and period - ie if we are in March 2012 it returns 201203 (I've called this Current Period)
I've then created a calculation to return Revenue less than current month
IF ([Transaction Period] <> [Current Period]) Then (Revenue) Else (0)
Created a list report with the 2 Revenue columns in and run, It returns the Total Revenue to date in both columns which is incorrect.
If I add the Transaction Period to the list report it returns the correct figures, however I want the report to show summary only and not the totals for the individual months.
It is if the calculation only works when the Transaction Period is added to the report
Please help
Did you try to associate the Transaction Period with the list through the 'properties' ? Dataitems not used in the layout should be associated when used in expressions