Hi, (sorry for my english)
I have a problem with using aggregate 'calculated' in crosstab in Report studio (professional).
I know it's not possible simply use this aggregate in crosstab :
But I would like to have the same result has a list :
But in crosstab...
In Framework manager I'm using a standalone calculation to calculate an average for my measure 'DUREE_VACANCE_MOYENNE' :
If I using this measure in crosstab, the aggregat result is an error (regardless aggregate : average, aggregate...) :
If I manually had calculation in my query (column calcul) the result is correct. But It's not simply for a newbie.
I have the same problem for many measure (average, rate...).
I think it's possible to resolve this problem.
But I don't know how to proceed.
If you have an idea.
Thanks in advance.
I'm so surprised. No people using rate or average measure in Cross Table ?
We made a calculation in Report studio ?
I think it's possible to create a measure in Framework Manager (standalone calculation). But I don't no how proceed.
I reading many documentations by IBM and for each example the component List is used (rather than cross table).
Please help me :'(.