hi gurus,
My report is on relational Db but very poor performance,my report and query are like this
detail queries Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. Q1 is input for Q3 and Q2 is input for Q5. the result of Q1 is input for Q3 in which Q3 is having detail filter for values from Q1. same like that for Q2 and Q4(as how Q1 and Q3 relation) the queries Q3 and Q4 are consuming lot of time.
how can i fix it and Q3 ,q4 having acalculation like this for a query item total([x1] for [y1][y2])
thanks in advance
You will probably have build a solution that demands quite a bit of local processing which may be a LOT slower then execution on the database side. With just a small set of rows performance may be acceptable, but large sets will slow things down. Is there any chance you can adjust your model to push logic back to the database?
since model lies in side the coustom product in which cognos embedded in to it using sdk, it is risticted to access the model I have to improve the performance in report level only
pls advice me thing in report level it self