I have 2 value promps(p1 & p2).
p1 p2
A 1
B 4
C 5
My requiremant is if i select p1 it ll shows (None,A,B,C) for 'None' I used static choise.
When i select ' A' it shows (1,2) But when i select None the p2 not showing anything. It should show all p2 values.
Please guide me.
The problem is you have an unbalanced tree i.e. there are values for p2 that don't have a corresponding p1 value. So when you have a cascading prompt from p1 to p2 and you select p2 = none there are no corresponding p2 values.
Using static choices allows you to select p1 = none but it doesn't create the relationship between p1 and p2 values.
If there is a hierarchical relationship in your warehouse between p1 and p2 values you can add a 'static member' for p1 called 'none' in the lookup you use for surrogate key substitution. This will establish the relationship between p1 and p2 values where p1 = none and the cascade prompt should work OK.
The other thing to do remove the cascade prompt and just have 2 simple prompts instead.
Hope that helps
I agree with Wyconian.
There is another work around to get it done though. Use Union to do it.
Create another Query with a Dummy 'PI' query item([P1]='None'. And have your other query items as you have in your existing query. Then do a UNION. Do your cascading on your final query and hence the report.
Hope this should help you.
That sounds like a nice quick work around :)
Thanks wyconian and PRIT