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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: meri on 17 Mar 2012 06:27:34 PM

Title: Maximum number of users / AD
Post by: meri on 17 Mar 2012 06:27:34 PM
Hi all,

We have 50 Consumer licenses and each license is linked to a specified Cognos username.
We would like to change configuration and give access to all users contained in our AD, although only 50 of them would be able to access Cognos at the same time.  Is it possible to do something like that in Cognos 8?
Title: Re: Maximum number of users / AD
Post by: smiley on 18 Mar 2012 03:51:47 AM
In cognos configuration near the authenticatio part, you will find an entry called "restrict access to members of the built in namespace". Enabled that
Make your 50 people member of the c8 consumers group, and make sure all the "everyone" memberships are removed.
Title: Re: Maximum number of users / AD
Post by: RobsWalker68 on 18 Mar 2012 09:54:27 AM
Hi Meri,

You can do it, but the thrust of your question I think is whether you should do it with regards to licensing.  You mention 50 named consumer users and therefore I presume you are not on a server license.  If you unrestrict access to Cognos by opening it up to anyone on AD then you will have to have a license for everyone in your AD who could possibly access Cognos.

It doesn't matter if only 50 users are on the system at one time as it is about the potential users who could access the system. The license you will have is not about concurrent users but named users and that is the key.



Title: Re: Maximum number of users / AD
Post by: meri on 18 Mar 2012 04:22:35 PM
Yes Rob, that was my question.
Thanks a lot for your explanaing it so fully :)