Is there a way to override (or just set) a Cognos Configuration setting in the report definition, say, using an HTML Item? I have one setting that needs to be flipped for just 1 report.
Any info is appreciated!
Thanks, M
I've never heard of this. Kind of an odd request...
What setting do you need to flip? There's probably another way to get around it.
The configuration setting is the one to eliminate the _n from being appended to the sheet names in Excel output.
as Lynn will attest, this and similar requests to have the page named after a data item have been asked a "zillion" times and there is no other way to do it.
I work at a very large company with not quite a zillion projects (but close), so an enterprise-wide configuration change is not possible, so I don't think my request is odd at all, but actually opens the door to many other possibilities here, where the enterprise's configuration is not the best desired for a given project or report.
A possible solution might be to set up another dispatcher which doesn't have the setting and then use advanced dispatcher routing, based on the package or user group to route the report to the appropriate dispatcher. Not a perfect solution and not exactly what you were looking for but I couldn't think of another way to change the configuration at run time.
Rob - Thanks... I actually got this same suggestion from a former colleague I pinged on this subject. I think it is a viable solution and I will be considering it for sure.
Thank you, M