Just wondering aif anyone knows how to change the length of the line in a sections report. If you section based on facility there is a line that goes right across the bottom of the report. is theerv a way to decrease the size of this line.
What line are you refering to?
In report studio if you create a section on lets say facility in a list report the report will look like
facility A
column a column b
that goes right across the bottom of the report
HI Bloom
Attached is a screen shot and it is the line between facilty and fiscal year
The line beneath the sectioned item spans the width of the list. Did you try reducing the size of the list?
but even with 1 item in the list the line goes accross the entire section. It there a spot to change the length of this line
When you create a section you typically get an inner and an outer list. Take a look at the structure view. The outer list seems to get created with a size and overflow property of 100% for width by default. Navigate to the list properties for the outer list and set the size.
Personally I avoid sectioning for this reason. Another option is to group on facility and add a group header to your list, then put the facility query item in there.