Hey All,
I came across a new proven practice document on stitch queries recently and worth a read if you haven't come across it yet. It goes into a bit more detail on some of the mechanics, scenarios where the obvious result is not being returned and work arounds for report studio/query studio
Thanks Rob! I haven't seen that before either. Looks well worth the time to read!!
It may not make the best sellers list but enjoy ;D
I just finished reading the proven practice document and I must say it was significantly better than "How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe's Poorest Nation Created Our World & Everything in It"
:) :) :)
Did it include Porridge with salt on it :D :D
I would have been more interesting if it had!
I like history and read a lot of books that wouldn't be classified as "gripping" but I just couldn't get through this one!
Hope the spring thaw is on the way up there in the frozen north :D
Well, its at least sunny, although the average temperature in the height of summer is 19c so not quite time for the flip flops yet !!