There is a potential requirement coming my way to create a burn down chart in Cognos 8.4 Report Studio. Does anyone have any information or experience doing this in Report Studio?
Thanks for any information! :)
I did not know since your post what is a burn out chart, but from what I saw in Wikipedia is a simple line chart or a multiple line chart or a combination chart
Quote from: pricter on 14 Mar 2012 06:17:23 PM
I did not know since your post what is a burn out chart ;D ;D ;D, but from what I saw in Wikipedia is a simple line chart or a multiple line chart or a combination chart
A burn-out chart is a graphical representation of the aggregated level of sanity of a given set of developers. It's often used as the Y2 axis in burn-down charts. The trick is to ensure that it always remains at or slightly below the actual line. This incentivizes the developers to work quickly to finish the project.
Quote from: PaulM on 15 Mar 2012 08:07:21 AM
A burn-out chart is a graphical representation of the aggregated level of sanity of a given set of developers. It's often used as the Y2 axis in burn-down charts. The trick is to ensure that it always remains at or slightly below the actual line. This incentivizes the developers to work quickly to finish the project.
I love it