I've got a cross tab showing volume
as follows -
Total Actual Vol Sold | Forecast Vol | Total by Item 1 |
Location | Month 1234 1234 1234
Location | Month 1234 1234 1234
Location | Month 1234 1234 1234
Total (Location) <1234> <1234> <1234>
I want to add a query calculation on to the end (next to Total by item 1) that gives % difference of Total Actal tonnes Sold.
Can anyone offer a suggestion of the expression i can use? The one i'm using total ([abc]) / total ([def]) isn't working and pulling back an sql error.
What's your source? If it's a cube or DMR you can use the value tuple function in the calculation, it would be something like
value(tuple([location | Month],[Total Actual Vol Sold])) / value(tuple([location | Month],[Forecast Vol]))
If you're reporting off a relational source it would be more difficult
hi, thanks for the information, i had tried a similar expression, but unfortunately it is a relational data source and not a DMR/Cube. Which is why its complicating matters some.