Hi all,
Does anybody know where i can set the catalog banner in datamanger?
thanks in advance
Can you describe what you mean by the catalog banner? The catalog is just a collection of tables in a database, so I'm not quite clear what you mean?
I have the same question.
Quote from: MFGF on 28 Mar 2012 04:25:44 AM
Can you describe what you mean by the catalog banner? The catalog is just a collection of tables in a database, so I'm not quite clear what you mean?
If jou start te ETL job there is in the logfile a line like the one below
[PROGRESS - 10:54:56] Catalog banner -> xxxxxxxxx
Where can i set the xxxxx?
thanks in advance
I have never seen this in any of my log files. I just went back to check, and none of my jobstream, fact build or dimension build logs have this entry. What build of Data Manager are you using?
sorry for the late respons.
We ware using datamanager 10. Below the Log file from a job.
[PROGRESS - 06:20:02] Catalog banner -> XXXXXXX, NL(1)
Data Manager v10.1.4707.541 -- (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2010.
jobstream -- start run on utrasw9037.utrecht.gmk.local (15-Nov-2012 06:20:00)
[PROGRESS - 06:20:02] JobStream 'J_Eenheden_BD' 'Job Eenheden Buitendienst'; starting
[PROGRESS - 06:20:02] Build Node 2 'WA_Status_Eenheden'; executing (pid 4104)
[PROGRESS - 06:20:02] Build Node 2 'WA_Status_Eenheden'; succeeded
[PROGRESS - 06:20:02] Condition Node 8 'Check 2'; executing (inline)
[PROGRESS - 06:20:02] Condition Node 8 'Check 2'; succeeded (TRUE)
[PROGRESS - 06:20:03] DimBuild Node 3 'Status_Eenheden'; executing (pid 5680)
[PROGRESS - 06:20:03] DimBuild Node 3 'Status_Eenheden'; succeeded
[PROGRESS - 06:20:03] Condition Node 9 'Check 3'; executing (inline)
[PROGRESS - 06:20:03] Condition Node 9 'Check 3'; succeeded (TRUE)
[PROGRESS - 06:20:03] SQL Node 4 'Update Tabel'; executing (inline)
[PROGRESS - 06:20:03] SQL Node 4 'Update Tabel'; succeeded
[PROGRESS - 06:20:03] Condition Node 5 'Check 1'; executing (inline)
[PROGRESS - 06:20:03] Condition Node 5 'Check 1'; succeeded (TRUE)
[PROGRESS - 06:20:03] SQL Node 6 'SQL Update Logging tabel bij gelukte JOB'; executing (inline)
[PROGRESS - 06:20:03] SQL Node 6 'SQL Update Logging tabel bij gelukte JOB'; succeeded
[PROGRESS - 06:20:03] Done - 0 00:00:03 elapsed
jobstream -- completed (15-Nov-2012 06:20:03)
I think the only way is now to use backup/restore.
Backup the catalog and then edit the .ctg file. Search for "BANNER" - you can either change the value or delete the line (remembering to subtract one from the line count check on the last line of the file).
Then restore from the .ctg
Great it workd thanks :D