CNC-DS-0029 The archive location file system root is invalid or cannot be found.
RSV-DST-0014 An error occurred. See the run history details for more information. DPR-ERR-2082 An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator. The complete error has been logged by CAF with SecureErrorID:2012-03-07-15:35:00.979-#679
When i schedule the report and save it to the file system, getting abv error.
The error sounds as if you have not setup the file system root correctly. Please check the following settings:
IBM Cognos Configuration:
- Data access - Content Manager - Save Reports in filesystem must be set to True.
- Enter Global Configuration. On Register General you find : root path of filesystem. This has to be set to a value like: file://c:\CognosArchive. Replace c:\CognosArchive with right path for you and ensure that the path exists.
This might also help if you are running cognos as a named account.