I had created this report a while ago which i forgot how i did it ,it is a list report and in the subtotal section i need to insert new data item which is a grouped data item,i tried creating new header and all other options but couldn't able to get what i want.Please Help.Thanks
Please go through report spec
Anybody please?
Are you sure that you created the report that you attached?
Check the following
http://www.cognoise.com/community/index.php/topic,17886.msg51956.html#msg51956 (http://www.cognoise.com/community/index.php/topic,17886.msg51956.html#msg51956)
Sorry for misunderstanding ,what i meant to say i created by following your given steps,which i completely forgot now.Thanks again and appreciate help.
Pricter,iam trying to get the layout as the report has been done,could you be kind enough to post the steps again,Particularly the grouped data Item.Thanks
1.Create a list with the
Data Item 1
Product Line
2.Group List on Data Item 1
3. Summarize Quantity
4. Split the cell of "Summary"
5.Place the "Data Item" in the subfooter of the Product Line
6.Cut the total summary row and the Data Item 1 column
7.Apply the style format to the Product Line subfooter.
I hope the steps are clear
Thanks a lot,Pricter.I will give it a go.
Thanks,Pricter.I have got it.Appreciate your help.