I am working on creating dashbaord kind of report on absent managment system.
I have Region, Branch, supervisor and employee items
I want to show if employee leave date in calender where leave shows in red color and remaining on blue color.
For example, for March 2012 employee Johnson took leave from 12th -14th. Now I want to show in a calender like 12, 13, 14 dates in Red color and remaining in defalut say black color.
Is this possible in Report studio? If yes, how we can do it.
That's an interesting one.
There's no built in calendar widget other than the calendar prompt. You could probably code something in JS/jQuery, but it won't be simple to perform or to maintain. What I would do in your position is use a crosstab to create a pseudo-calendar. Here is the general outline:
Your columns will be the weekday (You may have this in your package, or you can use the built-in _day_of_week function to get the numeric weekday out of the date, and decode that to string (Sunday, Monday and so on...).
In rows you should use week of month. Again, depending on your data structure, you may already have this field or you can calculate it. For our purposes you could even use the built-in _week_of_year function. For measure use running-count of date. This will give a crosstab that basically gives you a monthly calendar. (You can also hide the rows, see screenshot of result attached).
If you want to show more than one month/employee per report, you'll need to use master-detail relationships (e.g. use page set to have a page per employee and section to show one month after another in selected year(s)).
And to paint the vacation days red, all you need now is to use conditional styiling.
You should be able to figure it out from here. I don't have Cognos 8 here, but if you get stuck buzz me and I'll try to send a Cognos 10.1 sample xml.
You can create a calendar using a repeater table. Here is a Support Link article describing the technique. Conditional formatting should be easily capable of handling the colors.
Thanks Lynn.When i search for IBM link for previous techniques,it images doesn't appear with the steps,is anything i am doing wrong there.
Quote from: barrysaab on 05 Mar 2012 09:05:57 AM
Thanks Lynn.When i search for IBM link for previous techniques,it images doesn't appear with the steps,is anything i am doing wrong there.
I don't understand what you mean. Where is Grim (the Honorary Master of IBM Links)???
Thanks for the help. Looks like I will be able to work out on calender.
As I said its dashboard, I have a crosstab. it has supervisors in row and month on column.
absent% is the measure.
Can I sent an email or SMS to those supervisors who are having absent% of their employees more than threshold say 30% whenever report runs. Does the report bursting help out?
For example, below is a crosstab , I marked in red are the more than threshold.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Johnson 25% 15% 20% 35% 5%
Robert 20% 38% 5% 11% 2%
Maria 12% 27% 32% 29% 8%
or we have to go for Event studio only.