Hi All,
I have upgraded a report in 8.4 from 8.2 cognos report studio.
A report where we can drill down on the materials data item. but when i drill down i get the data in an ungrouped manner. My drill down data item is a child cross tab node member of the first (left most) cross tab node member which is sorted. the Material Data Item can not be grouped even when i try to use grouping property on it. Could you please help regarding this? :-\
Probably an upgrade issue. I'd suggest recreating the report from scratch and see if you still have the same issue.
You can also use Upgrade Manager (Now Lifecycle Manager with 10.x) to compare reports in 2 different environments.
Hi Grim,
I upgraded the report again ... after upgrading it n dealing with the upgrade errors again i get a new errror which says that there is a parsing error.. althought i do not see any.
The query contains a reference to at least one object '[__ns_2].[if (Dimensional View_VW_data item in (S,D)) then () else null_dim].[if (Dimensional View_VW_Data iteM in (S,D)) then () else null_dim].[if (Dimensional View_VW_Data item0 = D) then (Dimensional View_MON0]' that does not exist.
Where Dimensional View is my pkg,
VW is a view in the pkg,
Data item is a data item on which i am putting the condition of being "S" OR "D" ...
Creating the report from scratch also doesn't helps since i do not get drill down links altogether. Have checked the drill behavior of the report n evrything...
I do not have access to Upgrade manager so the reports have to be upgraded and compared manually.
Any Clue?