I have a cube in my report. I'm not able to understand a thing about it... what it is, how is it formed... Can anyone provide me good article that i can refer to please :'(
Can anyone tell me how are cubes imported into report studio too pleaseeeeeeeeeee!!!
Cubes are referenced just like any other data source.
Are you asking how to build reports against cubes? Read up on MDX and OLAP theory. There is a learning curve, but ultimately OLAP is easier to work with than standard relational databases. I recommend starting here (https://www.google.com/search?q=mdx+tutorial).
Cubes are generally created in Cognos using Transformer,They can be always used as a source for your report.You should not worry for using a cube on your report as you will see all the available data items in the window itself.For any documentation you can search for Transformer documentation on IBM Cognos web.
Hope this helps :)
Thank you so much...
I'm trying to generate a chart in my report studio... and have a cube in my source tab. It's really confusing for me what of these dimensions I need to use in the chart... so thought I should understand the cube first before beginning... any tips please.