Hi Folks,
I have the requirement as shown below:
Policy and policy name
Policy has Pol_1, pol_2 etc
policy names are equity_p,mutual_p, fiat_p, abp_p
Now the requirement is two display in this format along with other columns in the list.
Policy name should be be displayed in the columns and is dynamic.
equity_p mutual_p fiat_p abp_p
pol_1 pol_2
I tried to convert the list to crosstab so that the rows go to the columns and are displayed. But it doesn't work as the policy repeats in the rows.
This needs to be displyed along with other columns in the list. Need to convert only field as columns and whenever the names are added it should be refelected in the report.
can this be possible? Please help ...
Can you post a sample in Excel of what you expect the output to be?
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