I have the following crosstab
2011 2012 Difference
UK Measure 1 10 20
Measure 2 30 30
Measure 3 33% 66%
America Measure 1 10 20
Measure 2 100 100
Measure 3 10% 20%
I need a difference column which from what I've read, can be acheived using a running difference, unforunately, it only works for one measure.
Any ideas how I can get that difference column to work either using the running difference function in a data item or otherwise?
Quote from: thedon_1 on 24 Feb 2012 09:56:15 AM
I have the following crosstab
2011 2012 Difference
UK Measure 1
Measure 2
Sweet! I can haz xtab too? :P
Sorry, accidentaly posted before finishing my message.
Quote from: thedon_1 on 24 Feb 2012 10:11:15 AM
Sorry, accidentaly posted before finishing my message.
haha, figured as much. ;)
I'm no report design expert and you mentioned this, but maybe these will help:
use expressions below for EX:
running-total([quantity] for [grouping1], [grouping2])
running-total([sales] for [salesman], [region])
That doesn't work. Due to me having 3 measures, I don't think writring a running difference or running total function will work as that requires me to specify one measure.
Any other ideas?
This has come up again and i'm still searching for a solution.