Hi everybody :)
Im just trying to blank out columns of a crosstab repot in Report Studio 8.2, package is DMR.
Following scenario:
"All regions" is a column crosstab node, i can not drill into more detail, however, there is one attribut in this table (Asia) than should be displayed only since 2009, because before that there were no data. Before that, the column (Asia & more) was filled.
Design view of report:
[All regions]
Runed report looks like:
Asia Asia&more
Choosen year ------------------------------
2011 552 0
2010 => 321 0
2009 591 0
2008 0 255
2007 0 555
The time is prompted, parameter will deliver a string.
Is there a way to blank out Asia/ Asia &more based on the parameter, so i can avoid the 0 values?
Dont need a superfast answer because there is no client behind that, i was just playing with C8.2 (coming from c10 :D) and now im curious...
still, looking forward to answers. ty and have a nice weekend :P
Since this is DMR, in theory you should be using dimensional syntax for the items.
When you say blank out, do you mean to merge them so Asia and Asia&more become a single column? Or do you want to completely hide Asia&more?
Hey paul, ty for responding :)
hm...both ways would do it. but i didnt know i could merge columns in cognos?!
The point is, i dont want to hide Asia & more completly, but depending on the parameter/ time choosen. So if i choose 2007, he should blank out column "asia", if i choose 2010 it should blank out "Asia & more".
I think thats best to solve on etl level...but again, im such a snoopy cognos nub, just would like to know if there are ways to handle it...maybe with complex "case when" statements?
greetz :D
PS EDIT: Sry, the shown crosstab leads to missunderstandings...i have to PICK A YEAR from a dropdown menu ive created, then it shows me FOR THE YEAR the measures for the REGIONS...
sry :S
Try creating a calculated member called with:
member(aggregate(currentMeasure within set set([Asia],[Asia&more]),'MergedAsia','Asia',[Cube].[Region Dim].[Region Hier])
At this point it won't matter which year is chosen - it will always be Asia + Asia & ore
ty very much paul..gonne try this :)
have a nice weekend :P