Event Studio can run jobs, but can it rerun a failed job?
I have a couple jobs with multiple reports, with 1-2 failing each day. I rerun them manually, which of course succeeds. Unfortunately, the reports take 6-7 to run, and I'm not always there to rerun the jobs.
I know the SDK has a script which will rerun jobs, but we do not own SDK.
If Event Studio can rerun jobs, please specify the area to look into to point me in the right direction.
Thank you.
Unfortunately there is no automagical way to rerun failed jobs, this is an SDK only thing.
But you don't have to have the SDK to run this sample. You should be able to run it without the SDK installed. The SDK is needed to code new apps.
Thanks for the info. I was playing with that script, but would get 53 errors when compiling it, so I assumed I would need the SDK. I have no doubt now that my Java configuration needs tweaking.
Now that I know I don't need the SDK to run the script, I'll look into it more in depth.
It would seem the SDK is needed. The script starts out with:
import org.apache.axis.client.Stub;
import com.cognos.developer.schemas.bibus._3.*;
I believe the apache stub is available, but not the cognos.developer portion.
Oh well.
Hi Cognos Gurus,
I'm also have the same problem in Event studio, I need to re-run failed reports automatically.
Can any one could send the step by step information to achieve the logic.