My Question is how to concatenate two fields with different datatypes (i.e integer and varchar) in report studio??????
The Result should display in this way........field1 - field2.
Use Cast([column name],VARCHAR(<length>) ) to convert integer column to Character. then you can concatenate.
For Eg. cast([Amount],varchar(10))
Half Blood Prince
I am concatenating at the field level so can you please tell me how to convert and concatenate it.
cast([Field1],varchar(10) ) +'-' +[Field2]
assumed Field 2 is character
Thanx HalfBloodPrince.......Its working.
Another option is to unlock your report layout and drag the items in separately. If the requirement is simply to display field1 - field2 in the layout then you don't have to cast and concatenate in the query. Just drag them in as desired and use a text item for the hyphen between them.